Saturday, May 24, 2014

House of Debt: study on the role of wall street in lower income debt/morgage fraud

Another study that demonstrates the role of Wall Street in the 07-08 collapse. This should put an end to the Republican/conservative narrative the it was Fannie and Freddie who caused the debt crisis--but, of course, it won't because, like the Global Warming issue, many of these people simply don't have the intellectual integrity to see the truth:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Economic dogma

"There are lots of other economic theories out there and they get no attention because we have this dogma about economics in America." David Cay Johnston

Now that we seem to be in a moment when the discussion of inequality has gone mainstream, how optimistic are you that this is a problem we’ll actually start to fix in the near- or medium-term future?

We’re still living in the age of Reaganism; that has not come to an end yet. But we now have 33 years of empirical evidence that what Reagan promised didn’t work. If it did, if what Reagan and George W. Bush promised us worked, we would be swimming in jobs today. And we’re not. So I’m afraid, in the short run, what we’re going to see is an effort to shift the blame for this from failed policies to us. The “it’s the 47 percent who are takers” argument that Romney put forth, rather than looking at the structure and the rules that create and reinforce inequality. But this must come to an end and we have to get some changes and what’s missing are leaders who can articulate a new path. A smarter, growth-oriented path that will make us all better off. So Elizabeth Warren, who I’ve known for 25 years, Elizabeth Warren could be that person, but I don’t think she’s going to do it. She wants to focus on fixing what she knows. But we need someone, multiple people, to arise who understands the structure and nature of the problem and can then put it in terms that ordinary people understand before we get real change.