Saturday, January 28, 2012

Political Religions: the Right and Left of Truth

Political Religions: Right and Left of Truth

Geertz and the “mysterium tremendum”
 --culture and history
Lakoff and Johnson: the metaphors we live by:  

1. Intro: Schumpter and "Marx the Prophet": Recognizing and labeling “the other”; Stiglitz: "Economic Fundamentalism".

Cold war narratives: Marxism vs. capitalism; good vs. evil; two classes; two parties.

Neo-classical economics and Any Rand: providing a mythic vision How does one become a "capitalist" the hardworker vs. the

The patriot, the evangelical, and the business man!

Money and a symbol of blessing (and sin): How does one become a "capitalist" the hardworker vs. the"welfare queen". see . 17-18 Schumpeter.

 The "class war" metaphor

"Socialism", Obama, Racism, and "Freedom"--the Stalinist metaphor (communism as fascism): confusing Socialism with Fascism: example: the symbolic nature of the "individual mandate".

2. Lessig and Chris Hedges can agree on something: 
The alienation of Chris Hedges: prophet and analysis in "The Death of the Liberal class"
"Inverted Totalitarianism"

American anarchism and the historical narrative "Debt: the first 5 thousand years"
The marxist narrative in different clothing of how "capitalism" emerged: force, robbery subjugation of the masses. Before the "feudal" isms of Marx. An answer to Schumpeter. p. 18-19

the "war" and slavery metaphor on the Left

Money/debt as a symbol of greed

"Government" and the stateless society.

Occupy Wall Street and non-violent "occupation": Maus and the noble savage

3. The Progressive middle:

Lakoff and Johnson: the metaphors we live by: 

"Waking up the Leviathon"

The "Third Way" experiment or dogma?

Richard Rorty: Revolution vs. incremental change: Michael Kazin

A tax break for voting?

healthy religion: William James  Can "the Leviathon" be transformed?

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