Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Superclass: the global power elite and the world they are making by David RothKopf

..or in a nod to the intellectual leaders who have driven the phenomena [trickle down economcs] , call them "Volker-Greenspanism" after the high priests at the U.S. central bank." 60
(p55)It is true that governments have been unable to do much of what they should to improve the welfare of their people, and in a vast number of cses markets have done much more. But it creating a false choice between governments and markets, as so many politicians have done, productive or practical when neither can do the job of creating a thriving or just society alone?"

"Markets within nations inevitable produce groups of people who have more money and power than other.  So, it would be odd if global markets did not create an international upper class of people whose economic interests had more in common with each other than with the majority of people who share their nationality." 12

The lessons of the Chicago boys were so well learned, in fact, that they became practically a religion. p53

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