good book, by a Nobel Prize economist, on the necessity of
private-public cooperation to manage economic growth: "John Williamson
[the father of the "Washington Consensus"] never intended...that the
Washington Consensus [liberalization and deregulation] become an
ideology whose central tenant was that governments always screw things
up and that the proper approach was to limit government activity to a
bare minimum...The correct insight that markets...are of critical
importance morphed into the simplistic view that the problem is
government...Effective governments and markets are both essential
ingredients...not in competition with each other but rather
complementary parts of the process". http://www.amazon.com/
"...we find in the history of
developed countries, as well in the current developing ones, is that
growth comes from a complex interaction of the public and private
sectors, with effective governments investing, building institutions,
and actively filling in gaps."96
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